Hi! Hello! Hey there!

my idiot mug

My name’s Dan and I’m super happy you’re here.

I’m a frontend engineer in Portland, Oregon. I like a11y, JavaScript, CSS, rain, cardigans, good line breaks, moss, & cartoon physics.

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Client gigs & assorted fun


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When 8Minute rebranded to Avantus, they approached Studio Rover for help with their digital transformation. I was then subcontracted to build the website. To keep things simple and fast, we settled on Sanity as the headless CMS choice and Remix for the front- and back-end framework. The final result is a very fast marketing site with the power and reactivity of a single page application.

Year: 2022

Tech stack: Remix, Sanity, React, CSS/PostCSS

Designer: Studio Rover

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Mostly nouns & verbs

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